Woof: Meet Lea!

It's been a long time since I've had some time to sit and write. My sincere apologies for my lack of discipline and utter busy schedule.

During this festive season, I can't help but thank God for one of the biggest blessings I received this year. As stated in my title, I have started a new segment on my blog called Woof. Woof is a place where I will write everything and anything to do with my all-time favorite, four-legged animal... DOGGIES. Yes, dogs (If you did not get what I was trying to say).

But before I write about any other subject, I need to introduce my now 7-month-old angel-  Lea. I wanted to take my time in introducing this very special addition so that I could really grasp and know-what-i-am-writing-about instead of aimlessly writing just for the heck of it.

Lea was semi-adopted. I know I know, all the haters would probably want to shoot me just about now but wait, let me explain. You see when I was looking for a dog (it was initially a secret from my parents which led me to  research on the web. Out of all the dogs I saw, Lea called out to me. I decided to give her previous owner a text to further meet while trying to reel my mother into the plan (I will make a post about my experience in reeling them in haha).  Lea was three months old back then. Father (pure black) is a miniature poodle while the mother (pure white) is a toy poodle. The owner was left with all the puppied including the parents and wanted to find a good home for the new puppies. Hence the reason, I got lea from a semi-adoption. I paid a  small fee (which initially covered the vaccines and deworming done). When I visited the owner, I was brought into an area with the cutest little puppies (3 pure black, 1 dark brown and 1 apricot). To be honest, when I saw the other puppies, I decided to give them a fair chance and play with them before setting my eye on just Lea. However, they were all too noisy and active for my lifestyle. As I carried Lea, she immediately put her head on my shoulders and gave me a snuggle. At that moment, I knew that she was the one. It wasn't long after  (2 days to be exact) until I brought her home.

 Lea at 3 months old

I was on holiday the first two weeks-which really helped Lea and I bond. I took this opportunity to potty train her, create a routine and just show her that she is loved. The first night was absolute torture (I'm not gonna lie). Since she was my first big pet, I really questioned myself and my capabilities after the first night. She woke up every 10 minutes crying and howling and eliminated all over my bedroom every 15 minutes. However, from the second night onwards- she was perfect. 

She was sooooo tiny. This is nostalgia right here :(

Instead of writing what I prepared before getting her, I will do that in my next post. Most of my initial sleeping plans for her changed and she just decided to sleep on the floor next to my bed or in the cage which I bought her 2 weeks late-which she did for the next 3 months. 

Fast forward a month after.. This is how Lea looked at 4 months!

She celebrated  her first birthday with her first ever pupcake (made by yours truly)

And soon, in a blink of  an eye, Lea turned 5 months

She hit different milestones and learned different tricks and was still determined to keep growing! So here She is at 6 months

Week back after her Spaying

But no matter how much she keeps growing, how big she gets or how heavy she becomes- this big girl will always be my 1st baby. This is Lea now, at 7 months!

My little christmas miracle 

I really hoped you enjoyed reading this post- I really enjoyed writing about it. Can't wait for the Woof series to unfold and I hope to share my experiences and knowledge to help others. 

Disclaimer: Not in any way a professional, just a girl who loves her baby a lot 

Hugs & Kisses,