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Woof: What to buy before your puppy arrives

One of the most stressful but fun parts of getting a new puppy is getting everything before he/she arrives home. Before I got Lea, I made sure I bought everything I needed before bringing her home for the first time. For some, this may be the most stressful part because this is where the $$$ comes in handy. For those of you who don't know, I live in Malaysia and most pet shops are quite pricey and can cost a lot. However, I am so excited I get to share with you my tips on where I get some of my dog supplies that might actually save you some cash.

The first thing you need when you get a puppy is a cage or playpen. If you are very house conscious (which you should be because no puppy is perfect at the potty,  especially the first few weeks), a playpen would be the perfect option. In comparison to a cage, the playpen would give your four-legged fluffball some space to move, sleep, play and eliminate. However, you would need a cage if you would want to crate train or allow your puppy to have a good rest when he/she is tired. When introduced correctly, a cage will not be as scary as people make it out to be and trust me, they love being in it. When getting a cage, there are a few things to remember.

1)  Do not get a cage that is too big!  This is because the more room we give our puppies,  the bigger chance you have your puppy eliminating in the same place they sleep

2) Try and get a cage that is foldable, it will make it much easier for you if you need to disassemble or reassemble it again! 

I live in a house with not much room outdoors for my puppy to eliminate, so we needed an inside solution that is easy to handle and clean. Because of this, i made sure I got my puppy a pee tray. Depending on the size of your dog, there are different sizes available (S, M, L, XL). Initially, when I got my puppy, I bought her an 'S' size grass potty tray, just to realize she had never been on grass before and mistook it for her bed. Eventually, I realized that I should just invest in a big potty pad that she will never grow out of. For my miniature poodle, I  got her an 'L'  and it does the job perfectly!

On to the next item, Just like humans, dogs need food and snacks too! For Lea, I knew I wanted to give her the best. To be honest, I'm still researching what "BEST" is. Could it be raw food, home cooked food, vegetarian food?  But for a start, I remember buying her Iskhan puppy food which cost me around RM40-45? If you're interested to get it, I'll link it right here! Over the past few months of having her, I would occasionally switch up her food and recently she's been eating Merrick Grain Free Chicken Puppy Food (RM 123) which you can buy right here!

As for treats, I started off with commercialized treats that you can get in any pet shop. It ranges in price but it did the job to make my fur baby happy. Some treats that I've tried are as listed below! Just FYI, I am just sharing what I did with Lea. Every dog has different diet requirements so do check with your vet if you suspect your dog might be sensitive to certain food/snacks.

Happi Bone (RM17.90)

However, lately, Lea only has natural snacks/ homebaked goods. Maybe I will make another post on homemade dog snacks you can get in Malaysia. That'll be fun!

Once you get your dog food and snacks, you must buy something to put it in! First, i bought plastic bowls but Lea learned to topple it over whenever she wanted to be cheeky. So I got these for her food and water bowls. It's not very pretty but it does its job! The rubber at the bottom helps keep the bowl from moving and its low, which helps with the toppling over problem :) 

Moving on, a collar and leash are important when you first get your puppy to let the world know that she is YOURS (just in case she decides to go for a stroll). You can find pretty affordable ones around that can range as low as RM5! If you are thinking of taking your dog for walks or runs, you might want to invest in a harness. A harness is a better choice for walks because it does not cause strain to your dog's neck if he/she pulls. I actually got my first collar, harness, and leash at Daiso for RM5.90 each! Unfortunately, I can't find the pictures of exact ones i bought but it was pretty darn cute! 

Remember your puppy is going to find it strange to have things hooked and clipped on him/her so you might have to ease it with treats and patience! Here are some examples of a collar, leash, and harness! There are also different types of harnesses. Depending  on the breed of  your dog, you can research  on which fits its body type the best!

If you're planning to groom your dog, there are a few products you will need to start! 

  • Shampoo! When I first got Lea, I was scared my budget was going out of hand, so I decided to opt for a cheaper shampoo which actually worked and smelt great! annnnnd... It cost me less than RM20. 

  • Ear Cleaner! I cannot stress how important ear cleaner fluids are. Since Lea's ears cover the ear canal, often enough there is wax buildup. When you do not clean that wax build up, it may turn into an irritable and painful infection. I will link the one I bought here. This is priced at RM37 but is a very reliable brand with many good reviews. 

  • Eye Solution! Dogs often get tear stains. Tear stains are hard and very hard to get of. With an eye solution, it softens it and makes it easier to remove. It also helps with discoloration!You can get it here! I can't seem to get a picture but you can click on the link.

  • Toothpaste and Toothbrush! If you didn't know, your puppy's teeth will start falling out at 5-6 months. Most dogs may ingest it while eating but for some, you will find small teeth all around your house. Once the adult teeth start forming, it is advisable to start brushing your dog's teeth. It's not available in some pet shops so I won't be able to link this one but you can get an alternative. This too was below RM20! What's cool about this brand is the fact they have dental chew toys that you can squeeze the toothpaste in. Lea absolutely loves brushing her teeth because of the flavor of the toothpaste.

  • Combs! Combing your pet is very important if you want to prevent matting. The one's I am still using are both from Daiso. One is a fine tooth comb and one is with wider spaced bristles. You can consult the pet shop advisor depending on your dog breed to find the best suitable comb. 

Last but not least, TOYS, TOYSS, TOYSSS! I made sure I bought her a variety of toys from chewing toys to balls to soft toys. (This is still ongoing, the number of toys I have) 

I always told myself that the initial buys are the most expensive, some of these will last you for the next few months! So don't beat yourself up too much. Enjoy it, it's actually a very exciting part of getting your new puppy. 

Hugs and Kisses,

Woof: Meet Lea!

It's been a long time since I've had some time to sit and write. My sincere apologies for my lack of discipline and utter busy schedule.

During this festive season, I can't help but thank God for one of the biggest blessings I received this year. As stated in my title, I have started a new segment on my blog called Woof. Woof is a place where I will write everything and anything to do with my all-time favorite, four-legged animal... DOGGIES. Yes, dogs (If you did not get what I was trying to say).

But before I write about any other subject, I need to introduce my now 7-month-old angel-  Lea. I wanted to take my time in introducing this very special addition so that I could really grasp and know-what-i-am-writing-about instead of aimlessly writing just for the heck of it.

Lea was semi-adopted. I know I know, all the haters would probably want to shoot me just about now but wait, let me explain. You see when I was looking for a dog (it was initially a secret from my parents which led me to  research on the web. Out of all the dogs I saw, Lea called out to me. I decided to give her previous owner a text to further meet while trying to reel my mother into the plan (I will make a post about my experience in reeling them in haha).  Lea was three months old back then. Father (pure black) is a miniature poodle while the mother (pure white) is a toy poodle. The owner was left with all the puppied including the parents and wanted to find a good home for the new puppies. Hence the reason, I got lea from a semi-adoption. I paid a  small fee (which initially covered the vaccines and deworming done). When I visited the owner, I was brought into an area with the cutest little puppies (3 pure black, 1 dark brown and 1 apricot). To be honest, when I saw the other puppies, I decided to give them a fair chance and play with them before setting my eye on just Lea. However, they were all too noisy and active for my lifestyle. As I carried Lea, she immediately put her head on my shoulders and gave me a snuggle. At that moment, I knew that she was the one. It wasn't long after  (2 days to be exact) until I brought her home.

 Lea at 3 months old

I was on holiday the first two weeks-which really helped Lea and I bond. I took this opportunity to potty train her, create a routine and just show her that she is loved. The first night was absolute torture (I'm not gonna lie). Since she was my first big pet, I really questioned myself and my capabilities after the first night. She woke up every 10 minutes crying and howling and eliminated all over my bedroom every 15 minutes. However, from the second night onwards- she was perfect. 

She was sooooo tiny. This is nostalgia right here :(

Instead of writing what I prepared before getting her, I will do that in my next post. Most of my initial sleeping plans for her changed and she just decided to sleep on the floor next to my bed or in the cage which I bought her 2 weeks late-which she did for the next 3 months. 

Fast forward a month after.. This is how Lea looked at 4 months!

She celebrated  her first birthday with her first ever pupcake (made by yours truly)

And soon, in a blink of  an eye, Lea turned 5 months

She hit different milestones and learned different tricks and was still determined to keep growing! So here She is at 6 months

Week back after her Spaying

But no matter how much she keeps growing, how big she gets or how heavy she becomes- this big girl will always be my 1st baby. This is Lea now, at 7 months!

My little christmas miracle 

I really hoped you enjoyed reading this post- I really enjoyed writing about it. Can't wait for the Woof series to unfold and I hope to share my experiences and knowledge to help others. 

Disclaimer: Not in any way a professional, just a girl who loves her baby a lot 

Hugs & Kisses, 

#Ashleyandthekitchenseries: Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies REVIEW

Been Craving these chewy chocolate chip cookies since forever and finally managed to check it off the list.

Prep time: 10/10 
Ingredient find: 10/10 - Could find most ingredients easily
Taste: 10/10
Tips: Its sweet and rich, so if that's not your thing- you might need to cut the sugar down
         For packaging, Try and keep small plastics in between them so it does not stick to each other 
         and keep in air tight container

Feeding: 20-25 cookies (Small ice cream scoop)

#Ashleyandthekitchenseries : Moist Carrot Cake Recipe

I am starting a new series on my blog & facebook entitled #Ashleyandthekitchenseries. I focus on trying out Pinterest recipes and reviewing them based on their prep time, ingredient finds (Focusing on how easy it was to find the ingredients in Malaysia), Taste, Tips, and the amount it feeds.

Saw a random carrot cake recipe from Pinterest and decided to try it ;)

Linking the recipe here >> http://everydaydishes.com/simple-food-recipes/moist-carrot-cake-recipe/

Prep time: 7/10 (I didn't have a food processor, so grating the carrots brought this rating low)
Ingredient find: 10/10
Taste: 10/10
Tips: Try to reduce sugar for cream cheese icing recipe & add more walnuts
Feeding: 12-15 slices - depends on slice thickness

Pretty Skies

Hugs & Kisses,

Food Review: Morning After Cafe @ T6 LIGHT GREY MALL

Went for a dinner recently with the fam bam and found this cosy and quiet corner restaurant called The Morning After located at T6 light grey mall in Sungai Buloh. I loved the unique architecture of the shop lots - all portraying a rustic look! The restaurant i must say had very nice interior with brick walls and cool ceiling lights, perfect for picture taking.

Now for the review,  We ordered quite a few dishes to pick at and try
Pumpkin soup, Smoked beef bacon and mushrooms in garlic sauce, Smoked salmon in tomato cream, Roast chicken with salad and mash potatoes and a Chicken and cheese pizza (I'm sorry but i can't seem to remember the exact name)- Price range was mediocre as it was about RM20++ for a plate of pizza and onwards for the other dishes, which is not considered too expensive given the portion and quality of the dish, good value for money! As for a rating out of 10, i would give it an undoubtable 10! The food was rich in flavour and tasted really delicious. Everything was as cheesy and as rich as possible (Especially their pastas, pizzas and pumpkin soup). So if you're looking for a cheat meal or a romantic dinner place, this is a good place to come too.

Only tricky note is the distance- it is quite a distance in and a little tricky to find, but with the help of waze, grabcar and uber, i don't think it would be too difficult.

If you are planning on taking a visit,

After Morning Café at T6 Light Grey Mall is located at:
9, Jalan LGSB 1/1,
Pusat Komersial LGSB, OffJalan Hospital,
47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tmacoffee/ 
Website: http://themorningafter.my/

Or if you know of any other restaurants and cafes you would like me to try out in the klang valley, do drop a comment in the comment section below and let's see what i'd make of it.

Warmest hugs and kisses,